Reiki is a method of spiritual healing that can be used to for spiritual growth, healing mind and body, manifesting goals, and soul awakening. Reiki is a Japanese word that literally means Spiritual Energy which comes from Rei = spiritual, soul, divine etc and Ki (or qi) = life force.
Dr Mikao Usui founded Reiki in 1922 when he went to Mount Kurama for 21 days for meditation, prayer and fasting. At the end of 21 days of meditation he received a divine revelation which led to the creation of what we know today as Reiki.
It is well known nowadays by most advanced physicists about the existence of what is called in various cultures as prana or qi or simply life force energy and its relationship with health and healing. Our body has energy points and pathways which circulate the life force energy through us. These energy points are also known as chakras. When these path ways through chakras are get blocked we become unhealthy, lethargic or ill. When the pathways are open, healing and health is more easily maintained. Reiki is the energy healing technique that un-blocks these channels of flowing the prana or life force in the body.
Reiki healing releases stress from the body by creating deep relaxation in the person receiving the treatment. The process of this healing can be simply put as being in alignment with universal life force and using that energy to clear the chakras (allowing the kundalini to flow).
Typically a reiki healing treatment feels like a warm energy flowing through your body, creating deep levels of relaxation as it moves through the energy points unblocking all the channels of energy. Reiki healing is not only powerful but it is also gentle, comforting and nurturing. Reiki is not like traditional massage therapy where physical force is used to relax a client. Reiki healing is energy healing which can also be performed at a distance without the physical presence of the client. It is easy to learn and anyone with genuine interest and respect can learn this powerful healing art very quickly and easily.
You Can Learn Reiki Healing And Get Professional Certification Here
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